How to Hit a Driver: A Beginner’s Guide to Bombing the Fairway

The driver is a pretty interesting club for beginners. As a beginner, this might be the club you use the most while golfing. It’s the club that you use to get a lot of distance and get you as close to the green as possible, so you can imagine using it a lot.

In fact, according to a lot of golfers, the driver is the third-most important club, right behind the putter and wedge.

And while it’s a club you’re going to use a lot on the course; it’s also one of the most difficult ones to use. There are tons of beginner and experienced golfers alike that have a tough time getting their driver to hit far, accurately, and consistently.

Hitting a driver properly takes a lot of time and practice. So, with this step-by-step guide, you can build the right foundations for your swing to make it much easier to take the driver out of your carry bag.

We’re also giving you a couple of crucial tips for hitting your driver further that can make a huge difference on the course.

Read on to learn more.

A Step by Step Guide to Hitting a Driver

When you watch professional golfers hit a driver, it can be hard to pinpoint what they do that makes the driver go so far and straight. However, when you break it down into simple steps, it’s much easier to figure out how to hit your driver properly.

And if you’re looking to bomb the fairway and improve your scores, a reliable driver shot is crucial. So, here are the step-by-step instructions for hitting a driver to give you a better idea of what to do the next time you step up to the course or driving range.

Tee It Up High

Tee It Up High, How to Hit a Driver

A common mistake that beginner golfers make when using their driver is actually in the way they tee the ball up. When hitting a driver, you want to tee the ball up pretty high, allowing you to hit the ball much further.

You want to hit up on the ball with your driver, so you need to tee it up high. This means that you want half of the ball to be above the club. This is one of the benchmarks you can use to determine whether the ball is high enough.

Many beginner golfers tend to tee the ball up pretty low. But when we say that it’s best to tee the ball high, we mean it. So, if you’re looking to hit a driver consistently, we highly recommend teeing it up higher than you would with other clubs.

Establish a Solid Stance

Establish a Solid Stance, How to Hit a Driver

The next step is establishing your stance. The driver is one of the longest clubs in the carry bag, so you need a solid stance if you want to be able to hit it hard and straight. With a driver, you want a fairly wide stance. For beginners, this would mean about shoulder-width, as you don’t want to have a stance that’s too wide and throws you off-balance.

Additionally, you want to position yourself a bit behind the ball. For drivers, it’s best to position the ball further away and a bit forward because of the length of the driver. With drivers, a good way to figure out the best position is to have the toe of your front foot pointing towards the ball.

Grip the Club

How to Grip A Golf Club

Once you have the right distance from the ball and establish your stance, it’s time to get a proper grip on the club. Ideally, you want to place the club 25-30 centimeters away from your body to give you the space for a better swing.

Gripping a driver is very similar to gripping a baseball bat. You want to have your dominant hand in front of your non-dominant hand and angle the club towards the ball. From there, you should point the butt end of the club towards your belt buckle.


After you get the right grip and establish your stance, it’s essential to figure out where you want to hit the ball. Most beginners tend to look straight at the green when using the driver, as that’s the general area where you want the ball to land. However, aiming for the green could be too wide of a target and cause your aim to be off.

You want your shots to be as precise as possible, so it’s best to aim for something a bit more specific. For example, you can aim for a tree or bunker near the green, as this can give you a more definite target.

With that in mind, it’s also important to remember to aim for the center of the ball. This allows the ball to fly as straight and direct as possible while also giving you a fair amount of distance.

Loosen Up

Getting into the right stance, establishing your grip, and aiming prepare you for your shot. And once you’re ready, we recommend waggling the club back and forth a couple of times before getting into your backswing.

When you do this, you relax your body and put yourself in the right mindset for hitting the ball. Since drivers can be an intimidating shot for beginners, it’s easy for them to freeze and tense up when taking the shot, which can affect your distance and accuracy.

So, don’t be afraid to take your time wagging your club back and forth to loosen up. The more relaxed you are, the better your swing, which is very important to keep in mind as a beginner golfer.


How to Hit a Driver

Once you’re loosened up and relaxed, it’s time to start your swing. When you start your backswing, it’s important to keep your center of gravity in the middle as it will keep you as balanced as possible. During your backswing, slowly pull the golf club back until it goes above your head.

When doing this, keep in mind that the driver’s face rotates as you swing. This is something that’s natural, so don’t worry about keeping the face towards the ball. Many beginners try to focus too much on aligning the face with the ball, which can do more harm than good.

When you’ve reached the peak of your backswing, it’s best to pause for a fraction of a second before you bring the club back down. You may not notice it at first, but most experienced golfers have a very slight pause before bringing their club down to allow their bodies to align and adjust as the club comes down.

With drivers, you’re looking for less spin and more lift, which is why it’s important to use a sweeping motion on the way down. When doing this, shift your center of gravity to your front foot right as you make contact for even more stability.


Hitting the ball isn’t the end of your swing. When you swing the club, you want to follow through and continue the momentum after you hit the ball. This allows for more consistency and accuracy with your drive.

Ideally, the swing should end with the driver above your head again, but in front of you instead of behind you.

How to Hit Your Driver Further

Drivers are notoriously hard to hit. There was a point when many golfers would simply “bomb” their shots and disregard accuracy, but golf has evolved far past that. While you still want distance on your drives, you also want to maintain accuracy.

And in this section, we’ll be talking about some tips to keep in mind when using the driver to hit it further and with more accuracy. That way, you have an easier time developing a consistent and strong golf swing.

Aim for the Center

One of the things beginners learn when they start playing golf is to aim for the center of the ball. This allows you to hit the ball harder and keep your shot straight. And while this is one of the first things you learn as a golfer, it’s very important to have this in the back of your mind when hitting your driver.

Understanding where you want to hit the ball while setting up your swing gives you more clarity in your shot. It also allows you to focus more on the task at hand and have a more successful swing overall.

Take Time with Your Setup

Another tip we can give you is to take your time when setting up your shot. As a beginner, it’s easy to feel pressure on the course and rush your shot. However, nothing can be worse for accuracy and distance than rushing through the setup. Remember, golf isn’t a race, and there’s no harm in taking your time when you set up your shot.

Swing in a Circular Motion

Having a good swing path allows you to hit the ball further and with more accuracy. And for the perfect golf swing, you need to go in a circular motion. It may sound counter-intuitive, but a circular swing path is a secret to getting a straight and far-traveling shot.

To swing in a circular motion, you need to establish the right stance, have proper posture, and train your body to rotate properly during your backswing.

Use the Right Ball

When hitting a driver, or any shot, using the right ball is crucial. There’s been some debate as to whether golf ball technology has gone too far and whether certain balls should be banned from competition. So, there’s no denying the fact that your ball choice will make a huge difference in the accuracy and distance of your shots.

When starting out, it can be hard to figure out the best golf ball for your style and your needs. This is why it might be best to try different options until you find what makes you comfortable. And when in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask for suggestions from experienced players at your local golf club.

Practice Drills to Hit the Driver Better

Using your driver to hit constantly accurate and far shots is really difficult, especially for beginners. And the best way to develop your shot is by practicing, which is why we recommend doing golf drills to get a more consistent and reliable drive.

One drill we recommend is simply practicing your swing motion without your club. You can use your dominant hand to simulate the golf club and open your palm to represent the face. This is great for understanding how the driver rotates during your swing.

When you practice the swinging motion this way, you get to see how your palm naturally rotates as you go through the motion, which is the same way the club twists.

Another drill you can try out is the headcover drill. To do this, all you have to do is try to hit the ball while placing a headcover between the armpit of your trailing arm. The goal is to keep the headcover in between your armpit as you swing and release it when you strike the ball. That way, you can practice proper form and technique while swinging.

There are tons of other drills out there designed to develop your driver shot. And once you find the ones that work for you, make sure to practice them consistently to develop your muscles and golfing instincts!


Why Is Hitting a Driver Different From Your Irons?

The main difference between these clubs is the way you swing. With irons, you need to hit the ball on the way down, while drivers require you to hit the ball on the way up to generate more lift and distance.

What Degree Driver Should A Beginner Use?

The best beginner driver degrees are between 9.5, 10.5, and 12 degrees. These drivers will allow you to hit much straighter without sacrificing that much distance.

How Do I Drive the Golf Ball Straight?

The best way to drive the golf ball straight is to hit the ball square and right at the center. To do this, you need to put a lot of time and effort into practice.

How Do I Hit a Driver Consistently?

If you want to hit your driver consistently, you need to get used to the club. This means understanding the weight and length of the club and getting used to how to swing it. In short, if you want to hit your driver consistently, you need to put in the time to practice the right form.

How Do I Stop Slicing My Driver?

If you find yourself slicing your driver every time you step up to tee, it could be because you aren’t hitting the ball square. To hit the ball square, you must establish a solid and stable grip and consistently swing. Remember, the face of the driver rotates when you swing, and it’s important to let it rotate naturally, as trying to control it might result in you misaligning the face.


When used right, your driver is your best friend on the golf course. There aren’t any other clubs you can use to get this amount of distance on your shots. But if you want to get the most out of your driver, you need to hit it properly.

Some of the things you can do to hit your driver better are teeing it up high, taking time to establish your grip and stance, relaxing while you take your shot, and following through. Additionally, it’s best to keep the rudiments in mind as well, such as hitting the ball squarely, aiming for the center of the ball, and maintaining a circular swing path.

But at the end of the day, the best way to develop your drive is through practice. So, while it might feel awkward and uncomfortable right now, hitting your driver becomes much easier as you get used to it and practice your swing.

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Jim Furyk

One of the PGA TOUR’s most recognizable and talented golfers, Jim Furyk was born on May 12, 1970 in West Chester, Pennsylvania. It seems like Furyk was born to play golf; his father Mike as an assistant pro at Edgmont Country club, and young Jim was raised into the game. Jim Furyk’s only golf instruction came from his father; and many note that might account for his unusual—yet effective—swing. In addition to Edgmont Country Club, Mike Furyk also served as head pro at Uniontown Country Club.

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